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Eyelashes, Eyebrows and Client Retention?

Aug 21, 2023
Getting real here about well ... eyelashes and eyebrows and HOW THEY RELATE to CUSTOMER SERVICE, SATISFACTION, and RETENTION! 
Mascara is not really my friend (raccoon eyes) and I really do not have much in the eyelash department and although once upon a time my brows could compete with those of Brooke Shields - the tweezing era changed that.  Eyelash Extensions and Eyebrow tattoos are just not for me.
So, my friends suggested I go for an eyelash lift and a brow lamination.  Have you done either one of these?
After researching both procedures, they seemed the way to go. I found a great place right near my house with great reviews.  The eyelashes were done first and I LOVE THEM!  I do not even need mascara but when I do put it on .. WOW!  What a difference. 
The technician was sweet and excited that I lived so close and that I would be coming for other services.
I returned a week later for the brow lamination and ... OH BOY!  First off, I looked like the Dad from Shitt's Creek when I left the place and was instructed that after 24  or 48 hours - I don't even remember but I adhered to the given hours -- I could wipe them down.  No problem.  I looked a little Cray-Cray but hey - what we ladies do for beauty! lol!
I waited the appropriate time period and wiped them down. When I did ... they didn't look so good ladies.  In fact, it looks like I have curly caterpillars over my eyes.   It is both funny and disturbing at the same time!!! lol!  I am really trying my hardest to keep my bangs down over my brows for the sake of all who have to look at me! lol!  Thank God I have a great sense of self and sense of humor!!!!!!
I sent a friendly text to the technician to see what else I could be doing other than applying castor oil by brush every few hours.   Remember, I am A NEW CLIENT.  I live within jogging distance.  They have many, many services to choose from that I POTENTIALLY COULD PURCHASE.
Here is where she (and I believe her boss for not training her properly) WENT WRONG in terms of customer service and client retention:
Instead of saying, "Come on in and let me take a look." or "Take a picture and let me see if I can see what is going on."  She simply said, "Well, we do not put the product on that long so over-processing shouldn't happen.  You may not be moisturizing enough.  Let your brows "be" for a few weeks and I will take a look at your next appointment."
Hmmmm.... I am thinking to myself, "not good enough".
So, I replied: "Ooooh, as a new client and new to this process, I would really appreciate being able to come in and have you take a quick look.  You can text me if you have 5 minutes because as a reminder I live within walking distance."   To which she replied, "You can take a picture and send it to me if that makes you feel better, but my response will be the same."
UH-OH!  Definitely not good enough.
So .... What would you have done differently?
Ladies, consumers/our clients have so many choices these days.  If they are not satisfied - they will just move on.  In fact, I google searched and there are 9 places that do these services within 5 miles of my home! 
Her not taking care of me in what could have literally taken 5 minutes ...  is a BIG LOSS because your current clients are YOUR BEST CLIENTS!!!!
Your current clients already know, like, and trust you. They are very likely going to continue to buy from you.
I always tell my employees and my coaching clients ... People remember how you make your clients FEEL! 
Make them FEEL HEARD. 
Make them FEEL SEEN. 
THAT is how to keep clients!
Am I moving on? Yes I am.
Why would I give someone another chance when: a) they over-processed something  - on my face, b) did not do what they could to remedy the situation, and c) what else could go wrong with other procedures (on my face) AND  ...
I already know what their response would be.
Time to find someone else and to ask the question, "If something goes wrong  - which I am not saying it will - but things do happen, how do you handle that?"  
Here's to your SUCCESS ... implementing great CUSTOMER SERVICE and SATISFACTION for CLIENT RETENTION.  I also hope you have better brow results than me! lol!
Rose xx
PS .. Here are 2 links to women going viral on Tik Tok about their eyebrow laminations.  Eeek!

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